A diverse nation led by students, for students.
What is the JSA Nation?
The Junior State of America is a diverse body of citizens — students, educators, parents, alumni, and partners — who work in concert to increase engagement with democracy through participation in our unique programs. The JSA Nation is a dynamic student-led organization, with elected and appointed leaders at every level, that offers our delegates an invaluable cooperative and collaborative experience, providing them the tools required to make democracy work.
Our Governing Model
JSA is driven by our student members who are given the autonomy and responsibility to plan and execute civics-focused discussions, events, and activism projects throughout the year. JSA chapters serve as the center of political awareness at their schools, and our school-year and summer experiences bring thousands of students together to learn from each other.
Explore JSA Nation
JSA Nation is one community—a diverse body of students, educators, parents, alumni, and partners united in their commitment to democracy.
JSA Nation is divided into ten member states, each led by an elected Governor and Lieutenant Governor, appointed Cabinet members, and guided by a student-authored constitution.
Chapters are the basic unit of JSA at the high school level. Student delegates oversee every aspect of chapter activities, operations, and governance.