Run a Chapter
Publicize your Chapter
Well-publicized meetings will help draw a crowd and grow your chapter, so get creative with social media, posters, and flyers. If you’re hosting a special activity, start publicizing it one or two weeks in advance.
Keep your Meetings Interesting
Prepare ahead and stay organized during meetings to avoid disorder and distractions that might discourage people from returning. Try to conduct internal chapter business at designated officer meetings.
Provide Refreshments
Food often attracts people to your meeting. Inexpensive snacks can give the meeting a relaxed, inviting atmosphere. They may come for the first time just to eat, but return to participate in the activities.
Be Social
It’s important to maintain a balance between educational and social activities. Try to create activities that accomplish both, such as watching a political or historical movie together, to build culture and create a sense of unity.
Be Active
JSA Chapters serve as centers of political activism on their campuses. Be sure to include activities that promote political awareness and education in your chapter programming.
Sample Chapter Activities
Below are some of the most common activities used by other JSA Chapters.
In a debate, a limited number of speakers offer research, evidence-backed presentations on a certain topic. Debates allow members to exchange ideas and educate one another while still maintaining order.
Thought Talks
Students can address important issues without the formality of a debate. Thought Talks lend themselves to topics where there is no clear-cut division between two sides; multifaceted issues are best.
Problem Solving Forums
Similar to Thought Talks, forums focus on group collaboration and generating solutions to a given problem. Frequently, a plan to address the problem will be proposed, debated, and adopted.
Guest Speakers
Invite local leaders to your school to engage with your chapter members and inspire them to take a more active role in their community.
Local Government Simulations
A simulation of a school board or city council meeting provides chapter members with firsthand experience of how local government works.
Impromptu Speech Contests
Give short, unplanned speeches on topics selected on-the-fly as a break from more serious activities at the meeting. These are a great way to strengthen speaking skills.