Ways to Give
Junior State of America programs are formative experiences in the lives of our students, and our goal is to make them available and accessible to every high school student in the country. Your gift makes it possible for us to make JSA programming accessible to all students, no matter their financial or economic background.
Planned Giving
Establish a legacy at JSA by planning to donate a part of your estate to our organization.
Recurring Donations
Show your long-term commitment to JSA’s mission by establishing a recurring monthly gift.
A donation of appreciated securities requires providing JSA with a completed stock transfer form from your financial advisor.
Matching Gifts
Thousands of companies offer matching gift programs that can increase the impact of your gift. Use our simple search tool to see if your company participates.
Amazon Smile
Support us when you shop, at no additional cost. Go to Amazon and select Junior State of America as your charity of choice.
More ways to support JSA.
JSA has awarded more than $750,000 in scholarships to attendees, and our student leaders have raised up to $250,000 annually.
Defray programming, promotion, and attendance costs by sponsoring JSA events and experiences.
Corporate Partnerships
Your partnership can raise the profile of JSA and underline your commitment to our democracy.