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Meet Northeast State Governor Maia G.

Maia G

Name: Maia G.

High School: Staples High School

Grade: 12

Current JSA Position: JSA Northeast State (NES) Governor and Council of Governors Chair

Other JSA Positions You've Held: NES Lieutenant Governor, NES Director of Logistics, Chapter President, Chapter Vice President

What motivated you to run for the position of governor, and what goals do you hope to achieve during your term?

Having been involved in JSA since my first year of high school, I have also dreamed of being governor. I slowly but surely worked my way up through the organization and always found ways to improve my state and give back to the community that has given me so much. I have learned so much during my time at JSA and want to continue offering these opportunities to learn and grow to all students in my country.

As a member of the Council of Governors (CoG), how do you envision contributing to the growth and development of JSA on a national level?

As a member of CoG, I hope to close the gap between national departments and our states. Everyone in JSA is working towards the same goal, and by cooperating among the levels, we can create a more tight-knit community and a higher-functioning organization.

What do you wish every student knew about JSA that would encourage them to get involved?

JSA has given me so many wonderful opportunities, whether meeting and conversing with people from around the country or gaining practical experience and a good work ethic. JSA has it all! Working with students and adults is a unique opportunity that everyone should take advantage of.

What extracurriculars or hobbies are you involved in outside of JSA?

Outside of JSA, I spend much time playing golf for school, hanging with friends, and taking my dog to the beach. I also love to travel; I grew up all over the world and often visit old friends and family in different corners of the globe.


September 08, 2023
