
If you have an interest in politics or community action, Junior State of America is where you can get hands-on experience right now. As a JSA student delegate you’ll be trusted with the freedom and responsibility to organize events, conferences, and conventions. By applying the principles of democracy, you’ll learn how to lead.

Hero students

Key Benefits

Junior State of America is designed for you to lead.

Lessons for growth.

Participating in JSA will introduce you to new opinions and challenge you to listen, consider new perspectives, and expand your mind.

Participate in your community.

Find ways to be a force for change by learning how to lead fundraising and volunteer efforts in your community.

Relationships for life.

You’ll meet students who share your interests from your school, your region and across the country — and make friends for life.

Unique experiences.

JSA programs expand beyond your high school campus and allow you to have unique, transformational experiences with your peers.

Engage with distinguished leaders.

JSA events feature keynote speeches and town hall experiences from our nation’s most dynamic leaders all moderated by you.

Gain confidence and experience.

JSA lets you express your opinions through discussions and debate and in respectful environments that give you the confidence to speak your mind.

Hear from your peers.

  • Student Story

    Meet L B.

    L is a Fundraising Agent for the NES this year and the Director of Media and Publicity for her chapter at the Cambridge School of Weston. She is currently a junior and an artist in addition to having an immense passion for science along with learning itself.

    Read L's Story
    Web Page Thumbnails 2 1
  • School Profile

    Meet Fairfield High School

    Fairfield JSA is passionate about both community engagement and youth participation in democracy. Fairfield JSA kicked off the year by hosting a voter registration drive leading up to the 2020 election to put this in action.

    Read Fairfield High's Story
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What are common traits of JSA students?

JSA is a unique civics education program that offers something for everyone. It’s not just a debate club: it’s a democracy club. JSAers are also writers, artists, and social media wizards. Everyone has a role to fill, and room to carve out their own niche in the effort to make their chapters, regions, and states operate effectively.

Join JSA Nation

  • Collaborative
  • Curious
  • Resilient
  • Open


Have questions?

What are Chapter Conventions?

How do I apply to JSA Summer Programs?

What does being a “student-led” organization mean?

What does it cost to become a JSA member?

How do I register for Spring State?

How can I contact someone with questions?

View all FAQs
  • MID Mehek T

    I love JSA because it has been my home for the past three years. From the moment that I attended my first JSA convention during my freshman year, I realized that I hadn't just joined a club. I joined a community—a family.

    Mehek T.
    2021-22 Midwest JSA Governor