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Matching Gifts

Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organization? Find out if your company is eligible and we’ll do the rest. The impact of your gift to JSA may be doubled or possibly tripled! 


Increase the impact of your contribution today.

Enter your company name in the search box to see whether they will match your contribution and then follow any instructions to complete additional forms or submit requests to the corporation.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by 

When submitting a matching gift through your company’s electronic portal or if your company uses a paper form, you may need the following information:

EIN: 94 – 6050452

Junior State of America
Attn: Matching Gifts
1111 Broadway, Suite 300
Oakland, CA 94607

Phone: (800) 3345353

Email: development@​jsa.​org

More ways to support JSA.


JSA has awarded more than $750,000 in scholarships to attendees, and our student leaders have raised up to $250,000 annually.

Endow a scholarship


Defray programming, promotion, and attendance costs by sponsoring JSA events and experiences.

Become a sponsor

Corporate Partnerships

Your partnership can raise the profile of JSA and underline your commitment to our democracy.

Become a partner