Building leadership skills is a key part of JSA’s model.
Students are encouraged to get involved at the chapter, state, and national levels.
Council of Governors
Learn more about our current Student Leaders.
The Council of Governors is made up of a group of students elected by their peers to develop strategic goals, appoint members to state cabinets, and coordinate the planning of yearly conventions. JSA offers very specific opportunities to help students build and strengthen their skills in time management, planning, team building, and organizing multi-day events.
JSA Cabinet
Our Cabinet is Student-led
JSA Cabinet is the administrative body responsible for implementing the goals outlined by JSA student leaders. Students can apply to serve on Cabinet and may serve on their state cabinet or at the national level. At the heart of JSA’s student-run model are multiple opportunities for members to learn critical skills of planning, time management, critical thinking, and team management. Cabinets are directed and led by JSA members.
Chapter Leadership
The Heart of JSA
JSA Chapters spark political awareness on their high school campus and in their local community. Run for an elected position within your JSA Chapter and help inspire, engage and motivate your fellow JSAers. No JSA Chapter in your high school? Start one!