
JSA Launches Strategic Plan Process, Development Committee

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JSA has officially begun its strategic planning process to develop a roadmap that will guide the organization's future over the coming years. The goal will be to unveil a three to five-year plan in 2024.

Under the leadership of JSA's board of directors, the strategic planning process will incorporate feedback from students, teacher advisors, parents, alumni, board members, trustees, and staff. The process will follow a four-step approach:

  1. Mission Statement
  2. Operational Mission
  3. Strategy Platform
  4. Programs

The first meeting was held in September. The committee plans to meet bi-weekly until the completion of the plan in 2024. The planning process will be led by a steering committee chaired by board member Tom Warden and composed of four additional JSA board members and a trustee. The committee is responsible for guiding the vision and strategy of the plan along with JSA staff liaisons, CEO Jodi Wiseley, and Chief of Staff Andee Steinman.

Strategic Planning Committee

  • Tom Warden, Committee Chair and JSA Board Member
  • Vivian Tsai, Committee Member, and JSA Board President
  • Jeff Harris, Committee Member, and JSA Board Member
  • Laura Ansell, Committee Member and JSA Board Member
  • Jerry Newfarmer, Committee Member and JSA Board Trustee
  • Jodi Wiseley, Staff Liaison and JSA CEO
  • Andee Steinman, Staff Liaison and JSA Chief of Staff

JSA Development Committee Purpose and Priorities
JSA has reengaged its development committee to ensure long-term sustainability for mission success. The committee will include board members, trustees, alums, and staff who will be heavily involved in the fundraising process and goals of the organization.

Within the development committee, a subcommittee will focus on JSA's 90th anniversary celebration in 2024.

The development committee has been tasked with five main priorities.

  1. Ensure that JSA’s case for support is strong, current, and based on our mission and goals.
  2. Help set fundraising goals and develop and monitor resource development strategies.
  3. Provide information about potential new prospects and help to evaluate existing donors for increased contributions.
  4. Monitor fundraising performance and hold the board and organization accountable.
  5. Motivate and involve all board members in the fundraising process.

The committee will hold its first meeting in October and develop a committee charter to be adopted by JSA's board of directors.

The development committee is composed of the following members.

  • Jeff Harris, Committee Chair and JSA Board Member
  • Vivian Tsai, Committee Member, and JSA Board President
  • Tom Warden, Committee Member, and JSA Board Member
  • Anna Waggener, Committee Member and JSA Board Trustee
  • Jennifer Bunn Hayden, Committee Member and JSA Board Trustee
  • Matt Randazzo, Committee Member and JSA Alumnus
  • Audrey Landeros, Committee Member and JSA Alumna
  • Tyler Morningstar, Staff Liaison, and JSA Development Director


October 17, 2023