
2023-24 Digital Election Guidelines

Kaitlyn h jsa txgovernor

It’s that time of year! Our digital voting election for the 2023-24 school year will be open from late March through April across the JSA Nation.

Voting Guidelines

  1. Voting Platform
    Voting will take place using an online voting platform called ChoiceVoting.
  2. Who Can Vote
    You must be a dues-paid member who is marked in JSAConnect.
  3. How You Can Vote
    You will receive a voting link to your email address connected to your JSAConnect account. That email will arrive in your inbox based on the election timeline in your state.
  4. Verify Your JSAConnect Credentials
    Log into JSAConnect to test your email and password. On ChoiceVoting, you will be able to vote and abstain from all of the races that you are an eligible voter for.

All elections will be conducted using a Ranked Choice Voting system, allowing voters to rank candidates by preference. This means voters can submit ballots that list not only their first-choice candidate for a position, but also their second, third, and so on.

To learn more about Ranked Choice Voting, please watch this video and read this article.

Have questions? Contact your chapter president or teacher advisor. If you are a chapter president or teacher advisor with questions, contact your state director.


March 24, 2023
